I am so excited to share with you all my great news! For those of you who follow me on Facebook, the word is out. But I wanted to take the time to connect with my blog crowd and pass along some great things I have going so far this year (& its only January!!)
My biggest "fit" goal for this year was to obtain a staffed position as a personal trainer. Fitness, as you all know is a big part of my life. But there is a story behind it. While I've always enjoyed participating in sports, even as a kid, I always held overwhelming fear because of tremendous performance anxiety. When game days came, I would become so overwhelmed by my fears of failing or messing up in front of an audience, that I know, even to this day, I never performed to my fullest potential. I eventually got over this fear, when at 15 years old, I accepted my first job working at a local gym behind the desk. It took me quite some time as an awkward 15 year old to get comfortable with my way around the gym, but eventually I thought found it a home. It was a place where I worked, I worked out, I improved who I was physically, mentally and tested my strength; even within a setting of having a relative audience of complete strangers. I grew confident in my abilities to train in the gym. At 15, I couldn't know everything, I still ate like a typical 15 year old, and trained like a beast. In my last year of high school, I took a job working at another gym Northeast Health & Fitness ; where I worked until the end of my freshman year in college when I decided to pursue travel opportunities. Over the years I still remained close with all the people I worked with at NHF. They became a second family to me after working with them for so long.
On December 28, 2013, ten years later, I accepted a position back at Northeast Health & Fitness working as a staffed persona trainer. I couldn't be happier to
1. Have met my "2014" goal by the start of the year and
2. Be surrounded by such a great group of people; whom yes, I call colleagues, but throughout the years have become more like an extension of my family.
They've seen my transformation from a young teen, to a grown adult. They've also seen me
through a number personal challenges that I faced over the years while training.
Now on to the next…
I am juggling a pretty full plate as of recently, while I am not one for excuses, I just want to keep you all posted, so that you don't become disappointed when a post isn't up as routinely as I'd like. What is a full plate you as?
Mondaya: Client Training 6:00a-noon
Teaching 12:30-2:30
Management meeting 3:00-4:30
Gym: 5:00-6:00
Client Training 6:00-6:30
Tuesdays: Gym: 5:00am-6:00a
Teaching 7:30a-2:30
Managing 5:00pm-2:00a
Wednesdays: Teaching 7:30a-2:30p
Gym: 3:00-4:30
Client Training: 6:00p-7:00
Thursdays: Gym: 5:00am-6:00a
Teaching 7:30a-2:30
Managers Meeting: 4:00-5:00
Fridays: Rest day- no gym
Teaching: 7:30-2:30
Managing: 5:00-2:30a
Saturdays: Managing 7:30-2:30a
Sundays: REST!!!!
Needless to say, there are no excuses.

On December 28, 2013, ten years later, I accepted a position back at Northeast Health & Fitness working as a staffed persona trainer. I couldn't be happier to
1. Have met my "2014" goal by the start of the year and
2. Be surrounded by such a great group of people; whom yes, I call colleagues, but throughout the years have become more like an extension of my family.
They've seen my transformation from a young teen, to a grown adult. They've also seen me
through a number personal challenges that I faced over the years while training.
Now on to the next…
I am juggling a pretty full plate as of recently, while I am not one for excuses, I just want to keep you all posted, so that you don't become disappointed when a post isn't up as routinely as I'd like. What is a full plate you as?
Mondaya: Client Training 6:00a-noon
Teaching 12:30-2:30
Management meeting 3:00-4:30
Gym: 5:00-6:00
Client Training 6:00-6:30
Tuesdays: Gym: 5:00am-6:00a
Teaching 7:30a-2:30
Managing 5:00pm-2:00a
Wednesdays: Teaching 7:30a-2:30p
Gym: 3:00-4:30
Client Training: 6:00p-7:00
Thursdays: Gym: 5:00am-6:00a
Teaching 7:30a-2:30
Managers Meeting: 4:00-5:00
Fridays: Rest day- no gym
Teaching: 7:30-2:30
Managing: 5:00-2:30a
Saturdays: Managing 7:30-2:30a
Sundays: REST!!!!
Needless to say, there are no excuses.
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