April 7, 2014

Nerdy Running Joys

Of course with my first half marathon of the year coming in two weeks, both pair of my running shoes have decided to call it quits. Usually I manage to wear them in a manner that when purchase time comes it is tapered, one pair from the next, so I freaked a little last week when once pair decided to die just a day after the first pair. Running sneakers aren't cheap, and rightfully so, but I managed to score two great pairs for under $200! I feel like I robbed my local Marathon Sports yesterday when leaving with these two amazingly comfortable shoes at such a deal!

What I really love about Marathon Sports is that they make it really easy for you to feel confident about your purchase. They offer a state of the art treadmill, sample track turf, and the option to test shoes outdoors before committing to buying. Needless to say I took full advantage of this. I wound up purchasing the New Balances' for short distances, and my tried and tested Mizunos for the longer runs.
They passed today's test with flying colors ;)

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