July 18, 2016

Taking Care of #1

I begin writing to you with an open heart, and truly a clear mind. For the first time in two years, I have been afforded the mental clarity to be able to sit down and actually articulate ideas, beliefs, concepts that I find important and relevant to the purpose and audience of my blog.

First and foremost, if you've made it to reading this very line, I would like to say: Thank you. It's been two years since I have written or published my last post on my blog. When I started my Graduate program at Saint Joseph's University in 2014, I never intended on taking a hiatus from writing for A Hectic Life Refocused. However, as with the name, life became just that...Insurmountably hectic. I needed to juggle working full time, adapting to a new life and new culture living in the rural south, planning lessons, taking care of my dog Hank during his post-surgical recovery, all while dealing with an immense loss of a loved one while completing graduate school. Like with many of my posts, the important message to take from life when it does seem so insurmountable; prioritize.

#1 Yourself

New readers may read that and think "how self absorbed." Contrary, the truth is that we live in an ever growing society of American culture that is quick to label, judge, condemn, dismiss....If you note nothing from the aforementioned list, it's all negative in not only connotation but also reality. While I take great pride in being American, and a self-proclaimed-modern-day Patriot at that, much of that is derived from the freedoms we've been afforded through the principals in which this country was created upond. I don't intend on expanding too much beyond this but I think it's important to preface on my first post in two years. This blog, two years later is meant for people who are motivated enough by life to seek opportunities to better themselves, vessels in which will support them through the times that might appear overly challenging, and to know that in the every existence of our overly-Americanized cultural practices, that even the most intrinsically motivated individual will find him/herself at a crossroads at any given point in their life. And to this, my blog was created as a means in which provides opportunities to derive new means external motivation, refreshed perspective and support in their physical, mental and spiritual journey to living and leading a healthy and productive life.

Blog post/topic email inquiries are, as always, welcomed with an open mind and heart. 

P.S. Photo/video updates coming soon. Check back!

(***If you're really that interested in hearing more of my thoughts on the subject, I encourage you to email me directly) 

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