December 31, 2014

Let's Get Realistic

After last weeks post, I got a lot of inquiries about how to pick a resolution that is attainable but also realistic. Here are a few bits of advice:

Choose a Goal That Aligns With Your Existing Passion(s) A lot of the goals I set for myself come from things that already exist within my own life, and just happen to be goals that I would like to improve on or simply take to the next level. For instance running, and academics. While most people tend to get caught up in their everyday life of work and home life... A resolution can come from something as simple as this.

For example, maybe you don't love your job, why not make a goal to find a way to improve the work environment or even boost job place moral? Something as simple as planning a quarterly "get together" can really bring people together in and outside of the workplace environment. This can be something as simple as an informal gathering where y'all simply unwind. This can be done at home, but it's typically is best to reserve these types of gatherings for public places until everyone becomes more well acquainted. Restaurants are a great starting point (and you'd be surprised how many will cut you a break on the bill if you bring enough people in routinely!) We did this at my last place of employment and I can truly say it added to the experience of seeing the same faces some 40+ hours per week.

Enjoying lunch with one of my colleagues and a former student

A family goal could translate many ways. From something as simple as spending more quality time together by holding a mandatory Sunday dinner, to getting to know and accept the differences of a family member for the better. Let's face it-- we can't choose the family we're born into so why not taking the time to understand where the differences stem from instead of being so dismissive and judgmental. You only have one life to share, why not spend the time to fill it with meaning?
Enjoying a visit from my Papa Petz
If You Don't Know What Your Passions Are--Do a Little Soul Searching. I know this sounds a little cheesy, but a lot of where passion comes from derives from taking the time to really get to know and understand yourself. For those of you who tend to just "go with the flow"... Spend some time literally going with the flow attending a yoga class or two. All puns aside, this is a serious piece of advice because it will force you to get antiquated with yourself, and you will start to notice certain things about yourself you might not have previously paid any attention to.
Never in a million years did I think I would consider "blogging" or "instagramming" a passion---errr or at least something I enjoy. But social media has allowed me a great outlet to be able to reach out to and inspire a number of people, while also helping me to maintain focus and find new inspiration of my own. It's also helped me to create some unexpected, yet amazing friends in the process. Huge shout out to Rich V! 
2014 Marine Corps 1/2 Marathon- I bumped into a long time IG follower (@runningwithrich)
Make A List- Check It More Than Twice! It might sound like a pun- but it's true. Whenever I am setting new goals I always right them down. This way it's documented, and it serves as a reminder as what my intentions are. Checking it more than twice is important. Without the reminder it's easy to get off course, and completely omit achieving the new goal.

Now that you've taken the time to explore yourself and your interests- Make the list! Write down things you find interesting, try them! Call it a bucket list if you need to. Commit to trying one new thing a month (and sticking with it!) you'll be surprised very quickly at how many new things you discover that you never though you'd enjoy! A few years back I did this... I tried so many new things, and these experiences truly bettered me as a person because each encounter forced me to get out of my comfort zone and ultimately explore new things I now enjoy doing routinely.

The most important thing is not to read this post literally. The idea is to keep an open mind with your intentions. Setting a goal too specific will only leave you frustrated and defeated. Don't be shy or afraid to try new things. Remember to keep things in perspective and start with things that are familiar to you... As long as you have a plan, you'll be amazed at how little all the little things you do will add up in the long run towards meeting your big goal. 

I'd love to hear some of the goals out there, so feel free to post below! Happy New Year y'all!

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