December 31, 2014

Let's Get Realistic

After last weeks post, I got a lot of inquiries about how to pick a resolution that is attainable but also realistic. Here are a few bits of advice:

Choose a Goal That Aligns With Your Existing Passion(s) A lot of the goals I set for myself come from things that already exist within my own life, and just happen to be goals that I would like to improve on or simply take to the next level. For instance running, and academics. While most people tend to get caught up in their everyday life of work and home life... A resolution can come from something as simple as this.

For example, maybe you don't love your job, why not make a goal to find a way to improve the work environment or even boost job place moral? Something as simple as planning a quarterly "get together" can really bring people together in and outside of the workplace environment. This can be something as simple as an informal gathering where y'all simply unwind. This can be done at home, but it's typically is best to reserve these types of gatherings for public places until everyone becomes more well acquainted. Restaurants are a great starting point (and you'd be surprised how many will cut you a break on the bill if you bring enough people in routinely!) We did this at my last place of employment and I can truly say it added to the experience of seeing the same faces some 40+ hours per week.

Enjoying lunch with one of my colleagues and a former student

A family goal could translate many ways. From something as simple as spending more quality time together by holding a mandatory Sunday dinner, to getting to know and accept the differences of a family member for the better. Let's face it-- we can't choose the family we're born into so why not taking the time to understand where the differences stem from instead of being so dismissive and judgmental. You only have one life to share, why not spend the time to fill it with meaning?
Enjoying a visit from my Papa Petz
If You Don't Know What Your Passions Are--Do a Little Soul Searching. I know this sounds a little cheesy, but a lot of where passion comes from derives from taking the time to really get to know and understand yourself. For those of you who tend to just "go with the flow"... Spend some time literally going with the flow attending a yoga class or two. All puns aside, this is a serious piece of advice because it will force you to get antiquated with yourself, and you will start to notice certain things about yourself you might not have previously paid any attention to.
Never in a million years did I think I would consider "blogging" or "instagramming" a passion---errr or at least something I enjoy. But social media has allowed me a great outlet to be able to reach out to and inspire a number of people, while also helping me to maintain focus and find new inspiration of my own. It's also helped me to create some unexpected, yet amazing friends in the process. Huge shout out to Rich V! 
2014 Marine Corps 1/2 Marathon- I bumped into a long time IG follower (@runningwithrich)
Make A List- Check It More Than Twice! It might sound like a pun- but it's true. Whenever I am setting new goals I always right them down. This way it's documented, and it serves as a reminder as what my intentions are. Checking it more than twice is important. Without the reminder it's easy to get off course, and completely omit achieving the new goal.

Now that you've taken the time to explore yourself and your interests- Make the list! Write down things you find interesting, try them! Call it a bucket list if you need to. Commit to trying one new thing a month (and sticking with it!) you'll be surprised very quickly at how many new things you discover that you never though you'd enjoy! A few years back I did this... I tried so many new things, and these experiences truly bettered me as a person because each encounter forced me to get out of my comfort zone and ultimately explore new things I now enjoy doing routinely.

The most important thing is not to read this post literally. The idea is to keep an open mind with your intentions. Setting a goal too specific will only leave you frustrated and defeated. Don't be shy or afraid to try new things. Remember to keep things in perspective and start with things that are familiar to you... As long as you have a plan, you'll be amazed at how little all the little things you do will add up in the long run towards meeting your big goal. 

I'd love to hear some of the goals out there, so feel free to post below! Happy New Year y'all!

December 29, 2014

New Year Intentions: The Goals Ahead

Pay down most, if not all personal debt (excluding federal student loans) Yes, I am human, and I have debt. It's the hideous little part of my life that I despise, but have come to realize that when the worst of life happens...It's sort of part of why it's there. I've never been one to have a frivolous spending problems. Yes, I like nice things, but most always I will never pay full value for it. Otherwise my rule is that I can't afford it. Credit to me is not something to be used because I want something badly and can't afford it. For me, it's been a crutch during hard times. While most people might argue that this is not 'healthy' and that someone financially responsible would have funds for even the worst events saved, it's not always possible. As a result of this, combined with the fact that this coming year I will have held the occupation of "student" for more of my existence than now; I have debt, albeit manageable. 

Put myself in a position of buying a home Paying off most if not all of my debt will inevitably lead to my ability to be able to purchase a home. Other than the debt, my income is stable and my credit healthy.

PR on Marathon pace Having completed a marathon in 2014 was one of my biggest goals to date. While there are people out there who run marathons for a living, there are many times that I face the fact that at 5"1, and a rather athletic build for my frame; my body is not "ideally" built for running. This year I will be turning 29---yes folks believe it or not  I will be inching near thirty this year despite my incredibly youthful appearance (I attribute my athleticism to this---try it!) I would like to ideally come close to the 4:00 marathon finish, and train this year so as to avoid the occurrence of an injury per-marathon. So far it's an uphill battle since I am still recovering from an annoying injury from the Marine Corps Marathon.

As far as debt, despite the fact that I already work full time, on top of attending Grad school, I would like to find a second job. Something I can either do from home, or on my own time to earn the extra income. Some ideas I've tossed around include online advising for higher ed, selling custom furniture, professional organizing and/or home redecorating. Additionally, I would like to create cash budgets for necessity items and get away from using debit cards so much. Doing this, I hope, will allow me to be more realistic with my spending habits.

Buying a home is the easy part....Finding the right fit for me will be the diamond in the rough.

December 28, 2014

Why a New Years Resolution Isn't So Bad After All

A year ago... I set my intentions for the year ahead. While many people call this setting a resolution...I call it setting an intention. A former colleague and mentor of mine, Brian Heffernan wisely challenges his junior and senior high school students with the question:
 "Where are you going and how are you going to get there? It doesn't matter where you're going, you've got to have a plan, and then a back up for that plan when things don't go your way, and a back up for that back up."
Brian always has a way of forcing people to think beyond the chaos. When a hell storm comes roaring your way, you've still always got to have a plan of what it is you're trying to accomplish, and what your plan of attack is going to be.

Last December, I sat down and asked myself where I saw myself in twelve months. What are my intentions? Resolutions don't fail because because people don't try, resolutions fail because people fail to plan how they're going to achieve their goal. Intentions remind us what the goal is. The goal reminds us that we need a plan, and the plan helps us achieve the goal.

So did I meet the expectations set for my intention? More importantly did I make my goal?

My biggest goals for 2014 were as follows:
  • Becoming a Personal Trainer
  • Gaining employment as a Lead Teacher
  • Run Stronger
  • Running my first full Marathon
Personal Training In January 2014, I accepted a position to work the gym that I grew up training in. I couldn't have been more over the moon. While I succeeded to meet this intention and make my goal, I also realized that personal training didn't quite give me the same gratification that I get when I meet a fitness goal personally. I wanted to train people who had big goals in mind, were as motivated as I am, and who wouldn't stop at anything until they made that goal. While I spent time training a plethora of clients, and made some incredible friends while helping them meet their own goals in the process, it just wasn't fulfilling what I had set out the achieve with becoming a Personal Trainer. So, I decided to shift my efforts elsewhere, and keep my eye on my own training.

Becoming a Lead Teacher In June 2014, after two amazing years at Hingham High School, I resigned from my position as a TA, and accepted a full time teaching position at a school for Autism. While the experience helped me grow as an individual, it was not where I saw myself long term. I held it out through the end of September, when I accepted a full-time job teaching Moderate Special Education (Math) in North Carolina. While I miss my kids at HHS tremendously, it has been a wonderful experience, so far, teaching my own class. I learn just as much (if not more) from teaching my kids everyday, and it is a very rewarding career.

Run Stronger A lot of people probably wonder what the measure of achievement is for a goal like this. For me, it was to run strong, and not necessarily faster. Lucky for me, stronger did in fact mean faster. I PR'd my half marathon this year, running 13.1 miles in 1:55 minutes---shaving an incredible 9 minutes off my former PR of 2:04. Words can't describe how ecstatic I was crossing the finish line, and being able to share that experience with my roommate, Nicole who surprised me at the finish line.

Run 26.2 In October I ran the Marine Corps Marathon. While I didn't set out to achieve it in any specific time, I aimed (uninjured) at finishing in 4:00:00 & under, and (injured) 4:30:00. Just three weeks out from running the Marathon, I became injured. Finishing at 4:43 for a first marathon---injured, I'm feeling pretty good about next year's running season.

While I am not still actively training clients, and while I've transitioned from one teaching job to another in search for the "perfect" fit, I still feel great about all that I'd set out to accomplish over the last year. I feel good about the intentions that I set, and satisfied with having met the goals I set out to achieve a year ago. Intentions and goals are made to be realistic, if you have a goal and a plan, and the right amount of motivation--anything is possible. Don't be afraid of putting yourself out there and failing. Be afraid of not putting yourself out there without a plan and failing.

November 1, 2014

A Low Calorie (Little) Taste of Fall

With Fall in full swing, I am finally starting to enjoy "comfort foods." As always, it's in the small portions size, so that I'm not left feeling like a roley-poley when I'm done "enjoying" said "treat." I can't count how many times over the years, that I've said to myself "I could really use a slice of pumpkin pie... without the guilt of 7 extra slices going to waste."
Today I decided today to try and make mini pumpkin pies so that I could still enjoy my favorite seasonal treat, without the huge waste of food (or massive caloric dent into my modest daily allotment.) I am really pleased how these came out, and wanted to pass the recipe along. This is a great, easy recipe, that is really easy to adjust if you have allergies or sensitivities. It's even got a tasty treat of CHOCOLATE in the bottom of the crust!


  • 2- 6cup Keebler® Ready-Crust Graham Pie Bowls
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 can (15 oz.) LIBBY'S® 100% Pure Pumpkin
  • 3/4 cup Almond Milk, or Non-Dairy Milk of Choosing. (Note, coconut milk substitute will only be 1/2 cup 


LIBBY'S® 100% Pure Pumpkin


PREHEAT oven to 425 °F.

MIX sugar, salt and cinnamon in small bowl. Beat eggs lightly in large bowl. Stir in pumpkin and sugar-spice mixture. Gradually stir in almond milk. 
(Optional---but HIGHLY recommended!) Add 6 Giradelli® chocolate chips to the bottom of each pie crust.

POUR Mixture into shells.

BAKE for 15 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350° F.; bake for 30 to 35 minutes or until knife inserted near center comes out clean. Cool on wire rack for 2 hours. Serve immediately or refrigerate. (Do not freeze as this may cause filling to separate from the crust.)

NOTE: Make sure if you are using a baking pan, that it is extra heavy duty! Otherwise your pies will burn.

ALLOW TO COOL: May use refrigerated or homemade single pie crust to make 4 mini-pie shells. Lay rim of mini-pie pan on rolled out dough. Cut circle 1/2-inch larger than mini-pie to allow for dough to form fluted edge.
A hint of chocolate in any treat is always a pleasant surprise!
If you're feeling extra "bad" add an extra scoop of ice cream ;)

October 12, 2014

It's Okay to Remind Yourself "You're Human"

Since losing my Grandfather this past July, just eight days shy of my twenty-eighth birthday, I've realized how truly difficult it is to accept the feelings that accompany such a great loss. For 27.98 years, I had a best friend, mentor, and true cheerleader to confide in with my "Pops". I remember conversations we shared throughout the years quite fondly. He was a prolific man with a life to share, and a world of memories to offer. In his final weeks, we shared one conversation in particular, that I will carry it with me for the rest of my adult life. While the conversation itself was quite private, it is my response that I want to share with you all.

Dancing with my prince charming at my cousin Haley's wedding. He always talked about this dance.  
My Pops was a self-made man, full of intellect. He served honorably and proudly in WWII, came home, started a big family, and worked hard throughout his entire life to provide for each and everyone of us. Even when the going got tough, even when battling cancer, he still dawned his coined signature smile. It was an admirable quality that he had; his ability to smile in even the most dire circumstance.
He always talked about his time with the Merchant Marines.
He served proudly.
In the months prior to his passing, my family made the decision to relocate Pops from his long time home in Cape Canaveral, Florida, back north the the Boston area where he had made a living in his younger years. Even when he was relocated back to Massachusetts, I don't think it truly set in that he was really on his way out. He was still so full of life that it just never seemed real. But I visited him every opportunity I could get.

Visiting Pops in the Hospice a few days before July 4th, 2014.
It was on one of the visits I paid him while he was in the hospice, before being transferred to the V.A. Medical Center that we shared the moment I'll carry with me forever. We began to discuss intrapersonal communications. I'd known for as long as I could remember, that, like my Dad, he was one of the few people who truly understood me in a way that I admit, at times was more than I was comfortable with. The conversation was deep, but light hearted. Many family members will argue that he was too far gone to have a serious discussion with, but I (still) beg to differ. A man with that much intelligence never completely looses it. During the conversation he had stated an observation that really struck a chord...My reaction began with tears welling in the back of my eyes, and overflowing to the front of my irises, until I inevitably couldn't hold them back anymore and began to cry.

 My Pops smiled at me as the tear began to fall, and I scrambled to find tissues before the tears could make it to my cheeks. As I sat there, neatly blotting the tears in feeble attempts to stop them from running down my face, Pops sat there, quietly for a moment to observe, before responding with:
"It's okay to cry Katie, it's just a reminder that you're only human, you know?"
He went on to continue with elaborating that I'm a tough cookie, that I've been dealt a limited hand on many occasions throughout my life, and reminded me sometimes it's good to stop and remind ourselves 'we're only human.' While a simple mind would think "well ya", the truth is that this is something I've battled with for most of my life. The short hand I'd been dealt forced me to overlook feelings, and to operate in such a mechanical way, that it didn't feel natural to feel. Even in his last days, he mentored me; reminding me that we're all only human.

July 4, 2014-My last day spent with Pops before he slipped into a coma just before passing. In his final days I would lay with him. He would get so cold that he would smile and welcome the warm body heat. He was extremely fatigued, but happy to have the company on Independence Day. I'm fortunate to say that it was the last memory we shared together.

October 4, 2014

Networking: A Common Forgotten Strategy!

In today's age, technology has left us more enabled than ever to "network" socially.  However, there's a common misconception as to what networking in the business field, really is. In a shifting economy, in a world saturated with means of communication, it seems harder than ever for even the most well-seasoned business professional to find a steady job within the field.

The Networking Myth
Networking doesn't necessarily mean collecting business cards to stack onto the never-ending pit.  It's easy to forget that networking does not always entail searching for the head-honcho within your industry. That head-honcho won't always be your key to the golden ticket. You'd be surprised to find out how far your experience can go, and being open minded just might provide you with the opportunity that will be more promising that what you set out to achieve. Sometimes, networking is as simple as everyday interactions with complete strangers, or even new acquaintances we've made through friends.

The Forgotten Strategy
Aside from meeting new people in everyday settings, your local Chamber of Commerce  can be a gold mine for networking opportunities. While Chambers are usually reserved for business owners, there are a lot of opportunities to be had by simply attending a monthly meeting, or participating volunteer opportunities at your local Chamber. You don't always have to be a meeting to participate in the Chamber's events.

What is the Chamber of Commerce?
Chambers are local and notional business associations which aim to promote and protect the interests of the business community in a particular region or community. Chambers address a wide variety of business needs, ranging from Debt and Education, to Regulations and Contracting; as well as a number of other issues.

September 24, 2014

A Fitness Tip: Have your Cake, and Skip the Seconds

Today's title is for metaphorical purposes. At 28, independent, intelligent, personable and 'newly' single, I can't help the need to express my discontent with modern day dating practices. There seems to be this common idea that just because you're steadily 'hanging out' with someone, and there's no "title" (because one of you has decided it's not necessary if you're both "trusting" of one another), that it's perfectly fine to have your cake and eat your pie too. 

Well I'm sorry. But screw your modern day worthless values. I don't typically write or even publish posts like this, but I couldn't help but feel the need to use this example of a more recent event in my life as a springboard for constructive moral forum. The fact is, that this isn't the first time, and I'm sure it won't be the last example of a deception occuring within the realms of dating. I know, with confidence I'm not the only one who has experienced such tasteless circumstances in the cesspool of dating. So here goes. 

Tindarella called...She wants her dirty glasslipper back! 

For 3+ months, I mistakenly gave an old fling a "second" shot. He claimed "he screwed up", "he was going through a rough time when we were first together", but that he "knows what he wants now" (and a committed relationship being part of that). Being the good hearted person I am, I thought, maybe, just maybe he was being truly genuine and scincere.

As time passed I noticed that he began to get a little too comfortable. The cute "good morning" texts started simmering down, and soon enough there were none at all. When I asked him if he was having second thoughts (and therefore the opportunity to bail then on a clean note) he said "nothing" and also added that those sort of questions were always a "trap", and that everything was "fine". And despite all this, we still had routine communication outside of texting.

As the weeks went on communication began to linger, and becoming even more distant than our first 'go around'. While work understandably had it's demands, I saw nothing tremendously preposterous with having the consideration to atleast send me a text once every few days; afterall it is nice to be thought of.

It was not until I ran into him in the grocery store, shortly after he had come home from a recent work trip, that I realized how truly jaded things really were. The smoking mirrors begin to clear. I didn't receive the sweet kiss or comforting hug that I once used to. I instead got a chummy "hey how's it going old pal" hug, the king you give to an buddy at a football game.

I left the grocery store and attempted to shovel the odd experience under the rug.
I had more important things to deal with like work, school and general life transitions. It was not until I received a text from a friend, with a screenshot from the Tinder app...

Prior to getting the message with the infuriating screenshot, I had made mention to this friend that my guy made an off comment about needing to give him "more time to respond" to text messages. During the "time" I gave him to respond to a text I had recently sent, he just so happened to have been caught actively using the app by this same dear friend. 

When I confronted him, I got the silent treatment. He'd been caught. To this day I've still yet to hear from him. While many men might subjectively read this post and think "this chick is craz", I beg to differ.

While I internally wanted to scream and was furious that I had been dupped by this.. excuse of a "man" not once, but twice, it got me thinking: when the hell did that become okay?... To do something like that to a person who you so clearly spent time building trust with? Whatever happened to doing the right thing, selflessness, or pure and simple general regard for other's feelings?

The truth is, it's not okay. And while many would suggest that maybe he genuinely "needed space", in the world of mature responsibiliry, I challenge a person to use their voice and speak up. In a world that has becoming so technologically disenfranchised, it's a travesty to allow lack of social communication to continue on the basis that we've become so self-absorbed and technologically self-reliant. 

September 11, 2014

9/11 Attacks: How Far We've Come

Three years ago I began running on more than just a recreational basis. I ran to honor the life and sacrifice of my dear friend Katie, who's husband Dimitri was killed while honorably serving our country in the mountains of Afghanistan. While my journey of patriotism began many years before this, I wanted to take the time to recognize this September 11th in a different way.

While today is reserved for a day of solidarity, I think it's important to see how far we've come, and the types of perspective that the attacks on September 11th brought to us as a nation. Much like the more recent bombings at the Boston Marathon, we've come together and shown resilience in the face of adversity. While nothing will ever truly justify the horrific attacks that happened on each of these two occasions, in the wake of it all, I think maybe, just maybe--it's forced us all as Americans to be a little more hyper-vigilant and understanding to the world that truly surrounds us. Because freedom isn't free. #eyeswideopenamerica #freedomisntfree

Here's to a few notable fallen angels:
1LT Dimitri A. Del Castillo, US Army- Ranger, 2011
SGT Daniel M. Vasselian, USMC, 2013
1LT James R. Zimmerman, USMC, 2010
SGT. Anthony Matteoni, USMC, 2011
SGT John P. Huling, USMC, 2012

June 25, 2014

Life on the Spindle

A little preview of how I feel internally.....

So instead of hashing out all the reasons why I feel like this, I am going to focus on the good things.

1. I am officially half way through Summer semester at grad school. (Yes going to school during the summer is part of my lemon collection, but I would much rather go through hell for two summers and get it out of the way than drag on for what will feel like an eternity.)

2. My 2014-2015 running season is off in full swing, and I am happy to report that I have already shattered previous records with my average pace for mid-distance. While I never 'set out' to break any PR's (personal records), it always serves as a great motivating factor. This past Sunday I completed the B.A.A (Boston Athletic Association) 10k. The course covers beautiful neighborhoods of back bay. The weather couldn't have been any more perfect for a Sunday morning run topped with a PR!

3. July 11, 2014 Me, my dear friend Natalie...Florida Georgia Line & Jason Aldean!!!!---YES PLEASE! I cannot begin to tell you how much I have been looking forward to this concert. I have so many fond memories when I was still in college that I am often reminded of when I hear some of their songs.

May 12, 2014

Mindful Mondays

It's important to set aside 'quiet' time for yourself each and everyday, where you are free from distractions. I remember when I was younger this was something that we were often reminded of in a classroom. This was something well-enforced throughout elementary school, and when approaching middle school became lessons taught on "coping" mechanisms to help moderate the stress of everyday life.

Looking back I couldn't have ever fathomed the technology that we have today, and how far it would inhibit the human evolution and our interactions with others. I often have "old moments", even at such a young age, where I realize that although technology is a huge part of our lives, it adds the the already monotonous stressors that preexist without said distraction.

Why is this all important? Despite the fact that many of us find down time throughout our day, we tend to abuse it, and therefore ourselves. Think of your body as the same iphone that is probably glued to your hands all day. What happens when the storage space becomes limited or the technology becomes more advanced? It slows down, right? You're body isn't much different in the sense that in order to feel 'new' again, it needs to have enforced time free of any demands.

Today, I challenge you to allow yourself just ten minutes of "mind space."
Keep these things in mind before getting started. I am sure that you'll find it a challenge the first few days, beyond that you might just find yourself looking forward to the much needed "me" time:

Find a spot that won't distract you. A few places I would love to offer as suggestions:
A park in the neighborhood. The beach. The roof-deck. The quad on campus.The library, even.
You would be surprised at how relaxing the Library can be when you bring no ulterior agenda!
Put away any and all distractions. 
This includes any and all technology: no TV, cell phones, radios, iPads etc.
Take a minute. Close your eyes, breathe in deeply and just let out a sigh, as though it were for relief.
Focus on your breathing at first.
From there start bringing more awareness to thoughts that might be coming to the front of your mind.
Bring awareness to these thoughts or feelings. Recognize them. Address them.
Once you have addressed these thoughts, any ill feelings, anxiety even, should be absolved, if not greatly reduced.
Relax.When you've come to a place where you feel like a weight has been lifted, continue about your day.
Oh and congratulations, that right there is the power of meditation and relaxation!

May 1, 2014

When It Rains, It's A Storm

I walked into my class today happy as always to be greeted by the smiling young minds of my 11th grade class. As usual we spent the last five minutes of class on the topic of life. One of my students pointed out that she has a hard time staying positive because she feels like "bad things always happen to [me]." (Me meaning her).

I began to explain to her that while life can get hectic, there's always something in the thick of it all that keeps us grounded. In  light of the topic, I decided it would be a nice idea to post a few pointers about staying positive when the tough gets going.

Make A List
Take a moment to jot down all the things that make you happy. They can be silly things. One thing to keep in mind, make it a point to write down non-conditional 'things' that make you happy. In other words, there could be a hell storm outside and what ever it is could/would still make you happy.

Keep Things In Perspective
While you might be having a tough day, week or even month, remind yourself that your way of thinking has a lot to do with how you're feeling. "Mind over matter" is a much more powerful action than it is a saying. I strongly suggest reading The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne. It's a fantastic reference on how to expand your thinking.

Words of Affirmation
I love keeping an affirmation book on my iPhone using the Kindle App . On days that might have one too many things packed into a 24-hour period, or just a day that isn't going right-- it helps me reinforce perspective. I love Reflections In The Light, by by Shakti Gawain and Trusting God, by Joyce Meyer .

April 14, 2014

Gym Talk

Over the past few weeks I began acquiring a few female clients who are relatively new to the fitness scene. While I typically take clients who bring advanced prior knowledge to our sessions, I welcome those who are new to the scene with open arms. Adding fitness to your lifestyle is an eye-opening experience, but I have also come to better understand why so many woman are timid by a 'traditional' gym. So today I am going to begin a new series I like to call "Gym Talk." My hope is that Gym Talk will help answer and clear up a lot of questions as well as maybe bring a better level of comfort for those of you whoa are stepping into a gym for the first time.

Reps? Say What?
You might ask "what the hell is the difference between a rep and a set." Don't feel like your the only one. Right off the bat, you have to start somewhere, and if you think when I first walked into a gym I didn't ask the same question, you're well mistaken. Here is a breakdown of typical gym lingo.

Repetitions (aka Reps)
A repetition is a single movement of any exercise.

A set is a series of repetitions, of an exercise, done at one time.

Breaking Down a Written Workout Plan
Ever get a workout plan from your trainer and wonder "what the heck does 3x15 mean?

So what does “3×15″ mean and how is it different from “5-5-5″ or “3-3-3-3-3″?
3×15 means “three sets of fifteen reps.” Generally, people take this as three sets of fifteen reps at the same weight whereas “5-5-5″ or “3-3-3-3-3″ implies the reps and sets be done by gradually adding weight or increase in repetition.
Supersetting is a more advanced way to lift weights involving doing two exercises in (separate) reps, one after the other, with no rest in between. The exercises can be for the same muscle group, which is my favorite way of using them, or for different muscle groups if you are trying to mix things up.
The Benefits of Supersets
It's a good idea to change your strength workout every 4-6 weeks to avoid plateaus, and supersets offer a great way to completely change what you're doing.
What is a Plateau You Ask?
A plateau is when your body yields little to no results to an exercise that your body previously responded well to (whether it be that you stop losing weight, toning or gaining muscle.)

April 7, 2014

Run To Reflect

Because the military is such an active part of my life, I wanted to take the time to remember a fallen hero with Marine Corps Monday. Marine Sergeant Anthony 'Tony' D. Matteoni, a native of Union City, Michigan, was assigned 2nd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Divison based in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina when he was tragically killed in action October 1, 2010, while serving during Operation Enduring Freedom. Many remember Sergeant Matteoni as an all around well rounded guy, who was a hard worker and above all a true patriot.

In February 2011, the boys of 2/6 arrived home, shy of Sergeant Matteoni. I was invited to attend a dinner in memory of Tony, when I met his wife, Lindsy, who was in the late stages of her pregnancy.  Expecting their first child, their story struck a chord with me. As I sat there at dinner, and even in the days and weeks beyond, I couldn't help but get any of it off my mind.  Here you had Sergeant Matteoni, who had dreamt his entire high school career of becoming a Marine and serving his country, and a loving wife, with the story of a beautiful dreams of a family expanding, tragically came to and end.

Shortly after Lindsy left to head back to Michigan, she gave birth to her and Tony's first and only child, Avery. I don't often keep in touch with Lindsy as she is busy making a great life and serving as a phenomenal role model to her young daughter; but I feel privileged to have met her and share in her years beyond.

On the one year anniversary of her husband's death, Lindsy put together virtual run to honor the memory of her fallen hero. The "Matteoni Mile: RUN TO REFLECT; A MILE OF MEMORY" is run held annually on October 1.  This past Sunday, April 6, would mark Sergeant Tony Matteoni's 26th Birthday. So in honor of Marine Corps Monday, a great moment of remembering the life of Sergeant Matteoni and keeping mindful of his wife Lindsy, daughter Avery.

Nerdy Running Joys

Of course with my first half marathon of the year coming in two weeks, both pair of my running shoes have decided to call it quits. Usually I manage to wear them in a manner that when purchase time comes it is tapered, one pair from the next, so I freaked a little last week when once pair decided to die just a day after the first pair. Running sneakers aren't cheap, and rightfully so, but I managed to score two great pairs for under $200! I feel like I robbed my local Marathon Sports yesterday when leaving with these two amazingly comfortable shoes at such a deal!

What I really love about Marathon Sports is that they make it really easy for you to feel confident about your purchase. They offer a state of the art treadmill, sample track turf, and the option to test shoes outdoors before committing to buying. Needless to say I took full advantage of this. I wound up purchasing the New Balances' for short distances, and my tried and tested Mizunos for the longer runs.
They passed today's test with flying colors ;)

March 21, 2014

Motivation: Where Does It Come From?

Mo·ti·va·tion [moh-tuh-vey-shuhn] 
Motivation is literally the will to do something in which produces an outcome or result for an action.

There are two forms of motivation: Extrinsic & Intrinsic. These two types of motivation are also very common identifiers for personality and character. An extrinsic person is motivated by a reward, whereas an intrinsic individual is motivated by the personal gratification the action produces. 

Here are examples in motion: 

Bob has a deadline to meet for his newest marketing proposal. He knows that landing the proposal will get him a significant raise. Bob is motivated by the extrinsic factor of money.

Katie decides to take a 10 mile run on a rainy day. Katie enjoys running, despite the dull weather, Katie chooses to run 10 miles, regardless of the climate. Katie is motivated by intrinsic factors. 

Why are these types of motivation important in differentiating? They are a remarkable measure of our efforts when goal-setting. When setting a goal for yourself make sure to question whether is has extrinsic or intrinsic value to you, if it does not, you are likely setting yourself up for failure. Intrinsic and extrinsic values are keys to motivation, and motivation is the measure for which we set out to actually achieve goals we set.

March 19, 2014

A Runner's Honor

I woke up early this morning, as I always do. I had a terrible nights rest, so I found myself in a bit of a daze trying to wake up. I looked down at my phone at around 6:20 to check the time, when I noticed that it was Wednesday. I immediately jumped to checking my email to look for a very well anticipated message verifying the Marine Corps Marathon. I am excited to announce that I am officially confirmed for the 39th Annual Marine Corps Marathon in Arlington, VA! 

I am in the process of deciding on major fundraising options, I will confirm at this time I will be running to honor the lives of the below listed fallen angels:
SGT Daniel M. Vasselian, USMC, 2013
SGT John P. Huling, USMC, 2012
SGT. Anthony Matteoni, USMC, 2011
1LT Dimitri A. Del Castillo, US ARMY, 2011

2014 Confirmed Events
June 22, 2013- B.A.A 10k
September 20, 2014- Marine Corps Half Marathon, 13.1
October 12, 2014- B.A.A. Half Marathon, 13.1
October 26, 2014- 39th Annual Marine Corps Marathon, 26.2

Keep an eye out for more exciting news to come!

March 17, 2014

Green Living: A Fitfam Way of Living

In honor of Saint Patrick's Day, I thought it would be nice to give you a few reasons why "green" is best when it comes to fitness & nutrition. What exactly does being green mean in the fitness world? It's eating clean, avoiding highly processed foods and supplements, and truly listening to your body's response to certain foods or workouts--- it's a true holistic approach to staying healthy. If you're ever wondering what the secret to staying "fit", this is my secret weapon.

Eating clean doesn't mean throwing out everything you own after reading this, it's a reminder that just because something is labeled "low fat", "low sugar", "low sodium" etc. doesn't mean it's good or healthy for you.
              Pre-packaged Goods
              Pre-packaged foods are packed with chemicals and additives that can wreak havoc on the body including a host of allergic responses you might never associate to the foods you are consuming. Headaches, digestive issues or even 'season' allergies can be exacerbated by the processed foods you're eating.
              Choose Meals Wisely
              There is a reason why diets like Paleo and Atkins seem so "faddish." It's because they omit a lot of the food groups that many people tend to over-indulge in. Realistically, our bodies have no nutritional need for things like bread or pastas. Stick with proteins (fish, chicken, steaks etc.), veggies (spinach, asparagus, carrots- to name a few) and starches (sweet potatoes are my favorite, but potatoes and white rice's are good too!). Find foods that meet your fitness and nutritional goals and stick with them. No one diet is tailored to everyone, but eating right and eating healthy certainly is!

Because we have evolved to be humans who rely on an 'industry' that provides foods for us, instead of the good land we live on like that of our predecessors, all of us have a need to supplement important vitamins and minerals needed for the body to function properly. For those in the fitness industry, it's easy to get in the rut of overloading with these vitamins (also capped under the supplements category in the fitness world). How do you supplement wisely?   
              Proper Dosing
              Take the recommended dosing as prescribed by your doctor or nutritionist
              Cleans From Time to Time
              Pretty self-explanatory, but coinciding with the holistic approach it's important to take yourself (making sure to consult with your doctor!) off your supplements from time to time to really understand how they are working. In other words, going on and off supplements you will likely feel a certain effect, weather it be more or less energy, muscle fatigue etc.

Holistic doesn't mean seeing a voodoo doctor (a Holistic Wellness Practitioner, although I do see one and they are FANTASTIC!). It does however mean that you should take the time in your busy life to stay in tune with yourself. If you've been having a lot of stomach issues, take a closer look at what you are putting into your body (i.e. eating!). The same goes for your workouts. General soreness is expected, but if you're experiencing that combined with fatigue, take a knee. Sometimes a forced rest day is just what the doctor order (No pun intended!)

February 10, 2014

Frankly Stated

I feel like I'm spilling in a million directions lately. Life is traveling at a million miles per hour--but you won't ever find me complaining. I much rather a busy "hectic" life, than a dull boring life- any day of the week.
I sat down to eat dinner with a few friends the other night. As I peered around the table, I made note of one of my friends who stared forward like a dear in headlights. I knew the stare all too well. It was one I've found myself caught in a million times before. The look encompasses your body will make any onlooker believe that your body has been temporarily hijacked by aliens.

After a moment of two of observation, I made it a point to lean over and offer these words:

"You're stuck in the corner of your head---aren't you?…"

After a quick nod yes, I again added "You need to get out of your own head."

This comment struck a cord with conversation to follow. As I sat there with my friend talking about his state of mind I felt myself easily relate-able. Not because I have been at all feeling that way lately, but because I've been there. It's not a good feeling; being stuck in the back of your own mind that is.

Here are some ways that I like to recenter my thoughts.

There's a reason why I'm always busy. There are two types of people, people who are okay with down time and people who need the hustle and bustle to keep their minds from well, checking out. This by no means makes a person crazy. What it  means, typically, in my opinion, people who tend to experience this do so because they are selfless, and don't spend as much time really "listening" to themselves. I for one believe this to be true. Science can only explain so much and medicine can only band-aid emotions like this. It's a lot of the reason I tell my clients to really take the time and "master" their minds throughout the process of training.

Can't figure out how to stay busy? Take a half hour out of your busy day to jot down a list of things you love to do. Make your new goal to spend all of your free time doing this. Chances are--if you have the time to be stuck in your own head, you have the time to force yourself to make this list.

I mean it. That morning you wake up, and feel like you are so absolutely glued to your bed that it feels like it would hurt to get out of bed- GET UP. Whatever pain you are feeling in that very moment will only hurt more if you choose not to make the effort of getting up.

Support. Everyone needs it. There's a reason why, as humans, we put such a high emphasis on human relationships. For one, they're healthy, and two, they are meant to help get us passed those tough moments where we feel like we can't keep going anymore.

Regardless, always keep family, friends and doctors apprised of how you're feeling. It doesn't make you any less of a person for admitting raw moments of human emotions. You're never alone, even when you feel like you are.