April 14, 2014

Gym Talk

Over the past few weeks I began acquiring a few female clients who are relatively new to the fitness scene. While I typically take clients who bring advanced prior knowledge to our sessions, I welcome those who are new to the scene with open arms. Adding fitness to your lifestyle is an eye-opening experience, but I have also come to better understand why so many woman are timid by a 'traditional' gym. So today I am going to begin a new series I like to call "Gym Talk." My hope is that Gym Talk will help answer and clear up a lot of questions as well as maybe bring a better level of comfort for those of you whoa are stepping into a gym for the first time.

Reps? Say What?
You might ask "what the hell is the difference between a rep and a set." Don't feel like your the only one. Right off the bat, you have to start somewhere, and if you think when I first walked into a gym I didn't ask the same question, you're well mistaken. Here is a breakdown of typical gym lingo.

Repetitions (aka Reps)
A repetition is a single movement of any exercise.

A set is a series of repetitions, of an exercise, done at one time.

Breaking Down a Written Workout Plan
Ever get a workout plan from your trainer and wonder "what the heck does 3x15 mean?

So what does “3×15″ mean and how is it different from “5-5-5″ or “3-3-3-3-3″?
3×15 means “three sets of fifteen reps.” Generally, people take this as three sets of fifteen reps at the same weight whereas “5-5-5″ or “3-3-3-3-3″ implies the reps and sets be done by gradually adding weight or increase in repetition.
Supersetting is a more advanced way to lift weights involving doing two exercises in (separate) reps, one after the other, with no rest in between. The exercises can be for the same muscle group, which is my favorite way of using them, or for different muscle groups if you are trying to mix things up.
The Benefits of Supersets
It's a good idea to change your strength workout every 4-6 weeks to avoid plateaus, and supersets offer a great way to completely change what you're doing.
What is a Plateau You Ask?
A plateau is when your body yields little to no results to an exercise that your body previously responded well to (whether it be that you stop losing weight, toning or gaining muscle.)

April 7, 2014

Run To Reflect

Because the military is such an active part of my life, I wanted to take the time to remember a fallen hero with Marine Corps Monday. Marine Sergeant Anthony 'Tony' D. Matteoni, a native of Union City, Michigan, was assigned 2nd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Divison based in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina when he was tragically killed in action October 1, 2010, while serving during Operation Enduring Freedom. Many remember Sergeant Matteoni as an all around well rounded guy, who was a hard worker and above all a true patriot.

In February 2011, the boys of 2/6 arrived home, shy of Sergeant Matteoni. I was invited to attend a dinner in memory of Tony, when I met his wife, Lindsy, who was in the late stages of her pregnancy.  Expecting their first child, their story struck a chord with me. As I sat there at dinner, and even in the days and weeks beyond, I couldn't help but get any of it off my mind.  Here you had Sergeant Matteoni, who had dreamt his entire high school career of becoming a Marine and serving his country, and a loving wife, with the story of a beautiful dreams of a family expanding, tragically came to and end.

Shortly after Lindsy left to head back to Michigan, she gave birth to her and Tony's first and only child, Avery. I don't often keep in touch with Lindsy as she is busy making a great life and serving as a phenomenal role model to her young daughter; but I feel privileged to have met her and share in her years beyond.

On the one year anniversary of her husband's death, Lindsy put together virtual run to honor the memory of her fallen hero. The "Matteoni Mile: RUN TO REFLECT; A MILE OF MEMORY" is run held annually on October 1.  This past Sunday, April 6, would mark Sergeant Tony Matteoni's 26th Birthday. So in honor of Marine Corps Monday, a great moment of remembering the life of Sergeant Matteoni and keeping mindful of his wife Lindsy, daughter Avery.

Nerdy Running Joys

Of course with my first half marathon of the year coming in two weeks, both pair of my running shoes have decided to call it quits. Usually I manage to wear them in a manner that when purchase time comes it is tapered, one pair from the next, so I freaked a little last week when once pair decided to die just a day after the first pair. Running sneakers aren't cheap, and rightfully so, but I managed to score two great pairs for under $200! I feel like I robbed my local Marathon Sports yesterday when leaving with these two amazingly comfortable shoes at such a deal!

What I really love about Marathon Sports is that they make it really easy for you to feel confident about your purchase. They offer a state of the art treadmill, sample track turf, and the option to test shoes outdoors before committing to buying. Needless to say I took full advantage of this. I wound up purchasing the New Balances' for short distances, and my tried and tested Mizunos for the longer runs.
They passed today's test with flying colors ;)